Receiving an IRS tax return examination (“Audit”) letter in the mail is nerve wracking at best.
Audits can occupy large amounts of your time and can pull you away from work and family for days on end. With little understanding of process and law, most taxpayers drown in a sea of paperwork and tax law. IRS agents and officers are trained to diligently move your case along and issue a “bill” with their findings should you not be able to provide exactly what is needed in the manner prescribed by law. The IRS will count every penny during its effort to determine the accuracy of your tax return. If you don’t comply with the Auditors’ wishes as allowed by law, the IRS will recalculate your tax and send you home with a hefty tax bill as your parting gift.
Did you know auditors are well trained to extract more information from you than you are legally required to submit?
Shear fear of negative audit results will drive most taxpayers to provide anything requested, even if not related to the audit at hand. Don’t fall into this trap, let our experience lead the way to a successful resolution of your audit. Once engaged, our clients are no longer are required to speak or meet with the IRS and can move on with their daily lives while resting assured that their audit will be handled with the utmost care. No more missing work for meetings or sleepless nights trying to weave your way through the Internal Revenue Code.
If you’ve received an audit notice from the IRS, please contact us immediately so we can help!